Is it still ‘Trolling’ if the anonymously posted comments are positive? In the current climate of turmoil, pandemic, disharmony and division it is great to stumble across beacons of light and positivity in a world that often feels anything but.
The ideas, of ‘Be Kind’, ‘Pay if Forward’ and ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ are fortunately well established in our cultural psyche and as such can usually be found somewhere in the detritus of disharmony. In the Mandt system we talk about Albert Bandura’s study looking at the predominance of negative interactions and our challenge to program participants in to turn this ratio around.
How about we start this week with a ‘Positive Act of Trolling’ i.e., an anonymous compliment or such on a comment board or timeline? I am going to look for such an opportunity… just as soon as I have finished watching these kitten videos…
Simon – CEO