We here at The Mandt System are often asked to describe our program approach and how it can or should be used by practitioners to meet their staff, service user and organizational needs. What we share is that we offer a modular approach to creating a safer workplace, one that has foundational elements that can be built upon and adjusted overtime to meet evolving needs and the flexibility requirements necessary to meet the unique circumstance being addressed.
The foundational elements are our Relational Chapters (Building Healthy Communication, Healthy Relationships and Healthy Conflict Resolution). These can be thought of as the ‘Primary Colors’ of Red, Blue and Green that serve as the foundation upon which the whole color spectrum can be created. Our expanded color wheel of Conceptual Chapters and Technical Chapters cannot be effectively utilized without this Healthy foundation being in place.
The extent to which our Conceptual & Technical chapters are applied is informed and influenced by a robust relational foundation that examines and applies baseline data, training needs analysis and a commitment to reducing restrictive practices over time. Our faculty serve as the color consultants working with partner organizations to create the palate necessary to meet each of our partners ultimate workplace safety needs.
If you or your organization is looking for, and open to this kind of modular and collaborative approach to addressing the needs for workplace safety, we would love to share more on our methodology. Please reach out to our leading color mixologist Mary@mandtsystem.com to learn more about this philosophy and adaptive approach.
Simon Kemp – CEO