Over the years I have written about my son Tyler and being a parent of a child with unique needs. Many of the things I have written about have been in a very positive light. The huge impact he has had on me and many others. His empathy and sensitivity as well as his ability to just have joy in his life. However, in recent months some things have changed. Though he still is very empathetic and for the most part filled with joy, he has also increased in his aggression since July. I guess like neurotypical 15-year-old boys he spends a lot of time angry. Since he cannot always express the cause…I don’t know that I could at 15 either…he lashes out.
As parents we have done all we can to get him the help he needs. We have had multiple doctor’s visits and we have adjusted his meds a couple times trying to find the right levels. It has really been two steps forward, one step back for months. As we start the new year, I am happy to report that he seems to be going in the right directions. Aggression is down and his joy seems to be returning. Though he is moody (and what 15-year-old boy isn’t) he seems to be getting back to his old self. Only time will tell.
As I reflect over some of the worst struggles in the past couple months, I am reminded how much I need my people… my village. I cannot even think about my wife Jammie and I trying to deal with this with just the two of us. The phone calls, the text messages and encouragement from others have been amazing. Truly, there are no words that could describe what it has meant to us. Humbling to say the least.
I also think about how fortunate I am to have my Mandt network. My co-workers have been very supportive and there for me as necessary. Going further than that, however, it has also been all my friends I have made directly because of Mandt over the years. I have had amazing calls and texts with some key people in positive behavior support. I have had friends call just to brainstorm ideas, give possible strategies, and help examine what may be typical 15-year-old behavior verses what is driven by his Fragile X.
Here is the thing though: once you are a Mandt partner you are tied into that very same network. We have from the very beginning never charged for phone calls, e-mails or zoom consultations. Our cadre of faculty and support members are here for you to discuss some of your more challenging issues. We may not have the answer, but we will be able to point you in a direction to some of our internationally known experts in their respective sectors. We would love for you to be a part of our village! Contact us at sales@mandtsystem.comto get started.
Tim Geels – Director of Implementation and Governance