Holistic evidence based training to reduce workplace violence
Our training gives you the tools to affirm your feelings and choose your behaviours™ so that you can keep yourself and others safe during challenging interactions.
Discover the Mandt Philosophy

Support people, not just their behaviours™
The Mandt System helps you develop a culture that provides for the emotional, psychological, and physical safety for everyone involved.
Understand Our Approach

A dynamic learning platform
Learning that is fit for purpose, engaging, and flexible with options to be customised to meet unique individual and sector specific needs.
View Our Programs

In this place, and with these people, I feel safe™
The Mandt System believes that nobody should be taken advantage of. We believe everyone has the right to safety, whether they are a staff member, provider, or organisation. In our approach, we meet the needs of everyone without compromising the safety of one versus the safety of the other.
See Our Approach

Our methods are backed by research
Restraint episodes pre-training were 92% higher than post training (8%).

Are you ready to start training?
Our programs will help you build a safer, healthier workplace culture.
View Training Schedule Request Information